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Welcome to Vocations

Both Saint Dominic de Guzman and Saint Catherine of Siena, our patrons, spoke and lived the Word of God preaching mercy and hope against inhumanity. Courageously, they questioned systemic thinking and behaviors, and in doing so, changed history. They are among many women and men of history whose ideas, values, beliefs, and manner of living changed the world.

What is religious vocation? In professing our vows as Sisters we promise to give of ourselves — through faith in God and in service to the Church and to the world.

What leads a young woman to a path of discernment? To a life of faith and service?

Vocation Stories

Let these prayers guide you to live out your Baptismal call to holiness.

Prayers for Vocations

Emboldened by faith, serving with joy.

Consecrated life is a response to God’s invitation to deep friendship and loving service to others. In living a vocation, we give witness to the life of Jesus through vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

In living our mission: to praise, to bless, to preach… our very lives are a testimony to what we have seen and heard in Christ.

We are formed, and transformed — over and over — through prayer, study, common life, and ministry, also called service.

If you are wondering about consecrated life; if you have a desire to live according to the Gospel teaching of Jesus Christ and want to make space in your heart to serve, we encourage you to spend some time in discernment and prayer. Our Vocation Director can provide guidance no matter where you are on your path of inquiry and spiritual devotion.

“We don’t pray for women to join our Congregation. We pray with and for women who are discerning their life vocation, and then allow the Holy Spirit to guide them to God’s dream for them…”

More About Vocations

Religious life is a vocation to live Gospel values.

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