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Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids

A Love So Large

Our congregation, the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, is an apostolic community of vowed women religious. We respond to a call to live our commitment made in baptism: to grow in the love of God.

Through ministry, community, study, and prayer we share Christ’s message — redemptive love that reflects God’s desire for a just world. Our hope is to continue opening ourselves to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit — and to be a flame of truth, love, hope, and mercy.

What We Are About

Our desire is for our presence to nurture hope in the world. For hope is that aspect of faith which makes us certain that the world is cared for and loved by God. Hope obliges us to work toward the realization of the promises found in Jesus: freedom, peace, justice, and reconciliation.

We commit ourselves to encountering and seeking the Holy in ourselves, in each other, and in all people.

It is said Dominic’s last testament was: “Have charity for one another; guard humility, make your treasure out of voluntary poverty.”

“From this wisdom emerges the tradition of each new member of the Dominican Family asking for mercy, and in turn extending mercy to all in the community,” preaches Maureen Geary, O.P.

“We extend mercy by preaching the Risen One and sharing the messages Jesus left us: forgiveness, not judgement; love, not sin; mercy, not punishment.”


As contemplative Dominican women, we desire to become the prayer that we pray individually and communally.

Prayer supports us as we live into God’s most powerful message: Love. Love which never measures, only forgives.

We pray in many ways, as Dominic did. In Chapel. At Mass. Walking contemplatively in nature, with other people — surrounding ourselves with God’s Creation.

Walk with God and us in prayer daily with the Liturgy of the Hours.

Prayer & Psalms

Church teaching calls Sisters, Friars, Priests, Catholics all around the world, to pray and contemplate the Psalms each day. Why the Psalms? Because it takes care of every need. The Psalms form my heart, preparing me to meet the day ahead, whatever may come.” ~ Peter Mary Korson, O.P. 

Mission & Values

The Dominican Sisters have a passion for truth and a deep desire to transform and be transformed through the people and experiences that God brings into our lives. We willingly embrace the risk of preaching a gospel of hope, of love, mercy, and justice. Like our patron, St. Catherine of Siena, we minister so that others can be transformed in faith and community.

Dwell with us, God of all, as we celebrate the wisdom of your Word, the power of your Presence, and the mystery of your Ways. Amen

Our Mission

Our Mission: To Praise. To Bless. To Preach.

To Praise.

To live in gratitude, knowing that every person may be blessed and fulfilled by being open to relationship with God and others.

To Bless.

To live with love and compassion with others. As we are blessed, so we bless: To serve others through our ministries. To live with love and compassion. To promote justice for all. To care for the Earth.

To Preach.

Preaching is our service to the world.

A Worldwide Presence

We are emboldened and informed by our relationships with Dominican women and men around the world. We join our voices with the many who have gone before us and intercede for us, models of discipleship, risking in faith, loving with passion, showing us how to live what we believe. Our solidarity helps promote human rights and sustainable development in a world where only justice will ensure security and dignity for all.

Help us to be peacemakers in a hostile world. This we pray.

Study Enriches All We Do

St. Dominic taught that prayer and study are intimately linked because they lead to a deepening faith in God. Study is essential to our Dominican life and mission. It informs our ministry, enriches our common life and is integral to our prayer. Study is a blessing we offer others through our ministries including Dominican Center at Marywood, where formation and transformation experiences are open to people of all faiths.

Directions In Ministry

Our directions in ministry guide our Congregational Mission and Communal Life. Learn more

Find A Sister

Every Sister has a story to tell, and the common threads of our stories are enhanced by one another. The unfolding of the mystery of God’s presence in our lives is awesome. We are grateful for these holy women and we continue to be enriched by their lives. Find a Sister. Share in a Sister’s prayer intention.


Religious Life is a Vocation to Live Gospel Values

Both Saint Dominic de Guzman and Saint Catherine of Siena, our patrons, spoke and lived the Word of God preaching mercy and hope against inhumanity. Courageously, they questioned systemic thinking and behaviors, and in doing so, changed history. They are among many women and men of history whose ideas, values, beliefs, and manner of living changed the world. In living a vocation, we vow to give of ourselves — through faith in God and in service to the Church and the world.

Learn More


The Archive of the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids contains the documentation of the lives and work of the Sisters. This includes their voices in oral histories, the blueprints of the Motherhouse they built one hundred years ago, the minutes from their social justice committees, biographies, intellectual and creative works, and much more. The archives also documents the community that supports the Sisters.

Our Campus


Marywood is 32-acre campus situated at the corner of Fulton Street and Lakeside Drive in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is home to the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids and many of our Congregation’s Sisters reside here at Marywood, Benincasa, and Aquinata Hall on Lakeside Drive. Within the Marywood motherhouse is Chapel of the Word. We are just a short walk or ride from Aquinas College and Dominican Center Marywood, and nearby neighborhoods of Eastown, Fulton Heights, Mid-Town, and East Grand Rapids.

In 2022, we sold our former motherhouse and several acres to (name). We are blessed by their multi-generational commitment: Whistlestop child development center and Academy Manor, affordable senior housing expected to open fall 2024.

Aquinata Hall

Aquinata Hall is one of three residences on Marywood Campus. Sisters and lay residents are enriched by the pillars of Dominican life: prayer, study, community, and service. St. Catherine of Siena Chapel, featuring The Beatitudes in stained glass art, hosts daily prayers and mass. Our atrium and courtyard invite nature into our lives and inspire our resident gardeners and floral designers.

Planned activities foster spiritual and community life, drawing residents together with care professionals, student clinicians, Sisters, volunteers, the children of Whistle Stop Child Development Center, and so many who volunteer their time to be with others.

Receive a daily blessing.

As you are blessed, may you bless others.

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