We welcome the prayers of the faithful during Sunday Assembly at Dominican Chapel at Marywood and appreciate the sharing of prayers in languages from around the world as we call out: Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the Earth.

All are welcome to worship June 9, 10:00am Sunday Assembly at Dominican Chapel at Marywood. If you cannot join us in person, join us in spirit with the sharing of prayers in languages from around the world as we call out: Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the Earth.


  • That the Spirit of Wisdom may live in us: to kindle passion for what is vital and faithful.
    Ibo (Sr. Esther Okwor): Ka mmuo amamihe biri n’ime anyi: munye anumoku nke ihe di mkpa nakwa nkwudosike…anyi ayo Dinwenu anyi


  • That the Spirit of Understanding may live in us: to hear others and see diversity as a strength.
    Japanese (Yoshie Crowley): Watashitachi no nakani sonzaisurushinno rikaitowa, kokoronokoeni mimiwokatamuke, souiwo sontyousurakotoni…arunodesu


  • That the Spirit of Right Judgment may live in us: to grant human rights to all people and to model non-violent behavior.
    German (Bruce Johnson): Dass der Geist des Rechturteils in uns lebt, um zu allen Leuten die menschlichen Rechte geben und zu ungewaltigen Verhalten modeln uns…beten wir


  • That the Spirit of Courage may live in us: to speak the truth and accept the challenge of the gospel.
    Spanish (Sr. Ellen Mary Lopez): Pedimos que el Espiritu de Valor pueda vivir entre nosotros para proclamar la verdad y aceptar el reto de la Palabra de Dios…roguemos al Señor


  • That the Spirit of Knowledge may live in us: to give us the insight to preach God’s Word in all that we say and do.
    Polish (Jarek Kozal): Niech zagości w nas duch mądrości aby glosić słowo Boże we wszystkim co mówimy i czynimy. Ciebie prosimy…wysłuchaj nas Pani


  •  That the Spirit of Reverence may live in us: to respect and care for all living things as brothers and sisters.
    Greek (Greg Carnevale): Για να μπορεί να ζήσει μέσα μας το Πνεύμα της Ευλάβειας…για να σεβόμαστε και φροντίζουμε όλα τα όντα σαν αδελφοί και αδελφές


  • That the Spirit of Wonder may live in us: to see the beauty that surrounds us.
    French (Ross Hoffman): Que l’Esprit de merveille puisse vivre en chacun de nous; afin que nous puissions voir la beauté qui nous entoure…
    nous prions


All are welcome to worship during Sunday Assembly at Dominican Chapel at Marywood in Grand Rapids, Michigan every Sunday at 10am. http://www.grdominicans.org/be-with-us/