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This painting of St Francis of Assisi Church in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico is by artist Olga Atencio Garcia.

The image appears on our Congregation’s 2018 Christmas card with this message:

May your spirit arise and quicken
with the Good News of the angels:
God our Light
is born in our midst
bringing peace, justice, and joy!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year,
Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids


Que su espíritu se levante y se acelere
con las Buenas Noticias que traen los ángeles:
Dios nuestra Luz
nace entre nosotros
trayendo paz, justicia, y alegría!

Deseándole una muy Feliz Navidad y
el Año Nuevo lleno de bendiciones,
Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids

About the Artist

Olga Atencio Garcia  was taught by the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids at Holy Cross School in Santa Cruz, New Mexico.

The Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids New Mexico ministries including teaching, caring for the sick, and serving in parishes and communities, have flourished since 1925 and continue to this day.  Read more  about our New Mexico ministries and the Sisters who have or do serve in this beautiful land.