“The Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids stand against harmful rhetoric and actions that result in fear and evoke hatred in our cities and neighborhoods. Any conversation or activity that contributes to division, hatred, violence, or disrespect of another human being hurts all of us as a human family. We pray that people relate to each other with dignity and respect.”
Be present as you are able. Be prayerful wherever you might be.
On Monday, June 1, Dominican Sisters and employees gathered at a safe distance to mourn and lament lives lost. We tolled the bell in our Pear Garden, mourning those who have lost their lives to COVID-19. We lament the death of George Floyd and the inequities and injustice that take away breath, liberty, and livelihood of our brothers and sisters. And we remember Jesus, breathlessly carrying the burden of an unwieldy cross to His own crucifixion.
Sr. Carletta Bockheim, OP tolled the bell in the Pear Garden 10 times, once for each 10,000 persons who have died from COVID-19 in Michigan. And, already, that number has risen again.
Sr. Brigid Clingman, OP read from a statement being shared in cities around the United States. “Together, interfaith leaders and mayors across the nation… call us to mourn, lament, and honor the dead, acknowledge the unequal nature of our suffering, pray together for the healing of the nation, and recommit to the difficult work ahead … This call is being supported by the U.S. Conference of Mayors who represent over 1,400 mayors across the country. Mayors lead on the frontline of the COVID-19 response effort and continue to model critical local leadership amid this difficult time.”
A silent procession followed to the Peace Pole on Marywood campus to lament the murder of George Floyd– and the murder and disenfranchisement of people who are black and face injustice each and every day.
So much to grieve during these times.
Listen to Dominican Sisters Grand Rapids Response to Murder of George Floyd statement.