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A Video Introduction to Venezuela



Join us in Prayer

Sunday, November 28 begins the fifth annual Dominican Month for Peace.

After joining forces to help our Dominican family in Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, India, and Ukraine, we now turn our attention to Venezuela – the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet, but for more than two decades, has been going through the greatest political, social, and economic crisis in its history. For Venezuela, we pray.

1st Sunday Advent – November 28 — In this first week of Advent, we prepare ourselves to wait for you, Lord, to receive you with joy. Today we pray that your light casts away the shadows surrounding the people of Venezuela. May they live in freedom, with justice and peace.




Second Sunday Advent – December 5, 2021 — May each one of us, Lord, open our lives to you so that you may be born and keep hope burning in our hearts.

Prayer: The prophets kept Israel’s hope alight We, as a symbol, light these two candles and pray that in Venezuela the flame of hope ignites and that nothing and no one will be able to extinguish it. The old trunk is sprouting and shudders because God has sown Himself in our flesh. May each one of us, Lord, open our lives to you so that you may sprout, so that you may blossom, so that you may be born and keep hope burning in our hearts. Come quickly, Lord! Come, Savior! ~ Preacher: Willy Rafael Rivero Rivero OP






3rd Sunday Advent – December 12, 2021 — Come, Lord. Wrap us in your light, warm us in your love!

In the darkness a light was kindled, in the wilderness a voice cried out. The announcement if the Gospel: The lord is coming! Prepare the way of the Lord, for he is coming! Adorn your soul as a bride adorns herself on her wedding day. The messenger is coming! John the Baptist is not the light, but the one who announces the light.
When we light these three candles, each one of us wants to be a torch that illuminates and warms the Venezuelan people in the midst of their suffering and pain. Come, Lord, to save us, wrap us in your light, warm us in your love!
A reading from the first Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians 5:23 “May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy. and may you
entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The word of the Lord. ~ Preacher: Sor Celida Amariscua OP


4th Sunday Advent – December 19 — As we begin to prepare our hearts and minds for the birth of our Savior, let us pray so that Christ’s light and love surround the people of Venezuela.






Join us in Study — Video and Webinars

Week One Week One the Story of Venezula

Week Two Week Two Church and the Order

Week Three  Week Three Dominican Ministry in Venezuela

Join us for a free webinar on December 10, 2021, starting at 9:00 a.m. (EST), to learn about the life, mission, and the challenges facing the Order of Preachers in Venezuela. Register here:

Join us December 22, 2021, Noon (EST), for a special webinar hosted by our Dominican family in Venezuela, reflecting on compassion, hope, and the Dominican Charism. Register here:


Closing – January 1, 2021

Let’s build peace. Thank you to all who joined with us in praying for Venezuela during the Dominican Month for Peace. May today’s World Day of Peace serve as a reminder for us to continue to build peace in our hearts and defend it throughout the world.