I have called you by name, you are mine. You are precious in my sight, honored and I have loved you. – Isaiah 43
I was born in Muskegon Heights, Michigan on March 20, 1928 to Louis and Gazelle (Regel) Mogdis. There were seven children in our family, four boys and three girls, I am the second youngest.
My school years were at Edgewood Elementary School in Muskegon through grade 5, Sacred Heart School grades 6-9 and St. Mary’s High School grades 10-12. From 5th grade on I was taught by our Dominican Sisters. Spending time helping the Sisters, I began to realize that I would like to become a Sister. God was working on my heart.
On September 7, 1947 I began my 70 years as a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister. These years have taken me to many places in Michigan with various kinds of ministries. Most of my years I spent as a teacher in the primary grades. Other ministries have been in food service, sacristan, coordinator of the gift shop at Aquinata Hall and Marywood Health Center, and mail deliverer.
For the people who have loved and supported me throughout these 70 years, I ask God’s special blessing on each of you.
A Shared Memory: In each of Sr. Louisa’s classrooms, there was a quiet corner where children can take a break and talk to God or Mary… “We all need are quiet time,” she told the children.
Sister Louisa Mogdis taught the children of Gaylord for many years at St. Mary Cathedral School. She was trained in the Workshop Way, a method of teaching “geared to help children develop the power to think and to learn how to learn, to learn to read, and how to love it all,” said Sister Louisa in an interview for an article of the local newspaper. Sister Louisa was one of a number of Grand Rapids Dominican Sisters who were trained by the originator of the method: Grace H. Pilon, SBS, Ph.D. “Pilon proposed that all one learns comes to the mind through the five senses, and that the environment in which children are expected to learn must be favorable.” Following this theory, Sister Louisa said, “Children should love school, and they will if the system of education respects them as persons. They must be free of fears and be allowed to operate without unnecessary adult interference.”
See more about Sister Louisa Mogdis, OP.
A Jubilee is an anniversary when the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids honor a Sister and reflect on her unique contributions to our lives. We tell stories, share what we’ve learned from and with one another, and reflect on our joys and sorrows. We celebrate! We honor each woman and find ways to celebrate her unique contributions to the world, to the Order of Preachers, and to our Congregation during Jubilee years celebrated at 25, 50, 60, 70, 75, and 80 years a Sister. We hope you are inspired by their Jubilee messages in our upcoming Saturday Sister Stories. This week, enjoy Louisa Mogdis, OP, in celebration of her 70th Jubilee.