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Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids see first the common ground of our humanity, and allow our differences only to enrich, and not to disparage. In all of our undertakings, we will notice first and foremost the human person before us.” (Our Corporate Stance 1999)

The Dominican Order of Preachers preaches and teaches our Trinitarian God, whose very being-in relationship leads us to welcome others and experience the largesse of the love that God promises. Dominic de Guzman believed in following the energy of love, felt deeply inside of himself; a love so large as to encompass all the world’s people.

Hearing the preached words, “We are one in Christ”, we respond to the call to quest for relationship, for right relationship in all things. Through preaching and teaching, the Dominican charism calls members of the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids to share Christ’s message.

Our hope is to continue opening ourselves to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit — and to be a flame of truth, love, hope, and mercy.

Our mission and ministries highlight our belief that every person holds within them the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Our Congregation follows Direction Statements and sets priorities that guide our prayerful preaching to raise awareness and focus ministry activities — and we always strive to address injustice in a spirit of respect, compassion, and solidarity.

Preaching and Teaching takes Many Forms

  • We stand and preach against racism, hate and violence.
  • We advocate for children in local, national and international communities.
  • We empower those who are materially poor.
  • We collaborate with others to effect systemic change toward a just world