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An open letter of gratitude to the Congregation and staff of the Grand Rapids Dominicans…

We, the 25-year Associate Jubilarians, find our hearts flooded with gratitude. We deeply appreciate the abundant recognition, exuberant celebration, mindfulness to details, affection, hospitality and rich worship experiences. All of this and so much more left us breathless and even at a loss for words.

We thank all of you for the gifts and donations in honor of our 25th Jubilee. The beautiful cards and personal expressions congratulating us on this milestone touch and honor us.

When the foundation was laid in 1992 and our group stood on the stage in Wege Center at Aquinas College we spoke of a sense of coming home. Indeed, we found a home with the Grand Rapids Dominicans that supported our desires for “the more of God.” We’ve been affirmed as we moved forward in our mission and ministry. We have received opportunities in study and ongoing formation. We’ve been held in prayer as we have prayed with community.

Our prayer continues as we continue on this journey as Grand Rapids Dominican Associates. Our prayer remains the same in one respect, and that is that we are a blessing to the Dominican Sisters. We are with you still, living our commitment, our “yes,” and we find that it is us who have been blessed.

In thanksgiving, we are the 1992 Jubilarians: Fran Georgeff, Valerie Keller, Cassandra Kroondyk, Charmaine Kulczyk, Cynthia Trenshaw, Mary T. Vaccaro. Cynthia Crenshaw is not pictured in the photo.

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