Events of the recent week have been alarming and disheartening to all of us. In a country and world torn by hatred, racism and violence, we all pray fervently and act as we are able to help bring about God’s Shalom. With the prayer and dream that all may be one we offer you our personal and Congregational commitment to respect the Holy in each person, to heal ourselves and our country and world of racism, and to BE peace. May we be of one heart and mind as we seek justice and dignity for all.
We Stand & Preach Against Racism, Hate, and Violence
The Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids condemn racism. Hate and discrimination diminish us all. We grieve with the citizens of Charlottesville and with all of us who are also harmed by racist words and actions anywhere. We mourn with those who have lost loved ones, with all who live in fear, and with all whose dignity is threatened by hate and violence.
The Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids stand against harmful rhetoric and actions that result in fear and evoke hatred in our cities and neighborhoods. Racism afflicts our country. Any conversation or activity that contributes to division, hatred, violence, or disrespect of another human being hurts all of us as a human family. We pray that people relate to each other with dignity and respect.
We acknowledge our own complicity in individual and institutional racism. We recognize that some of us are beneficiaries of white privilege. We are committed and continue to work on our Marywood Campus and in all our ministries and our Congregational life to treat all people with dignity and respect and eliminate institutional barriers to a racism-free world.
We, as Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, see first the common ground of our humanity, and allow our differences only to enrich, and not to disparage. In all of our undertakings, we will notice first and foremost the human person before us. (DSGR Corporate Stance 1999)