When Sister Chris Wood, OP first arrived at Marywood, she had been a Sister since 1969, but not a Dominican Sister. After much discernment, Sister Chris transitioned to become a member of the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids. That was in 2002.
A rich life is full of transitions. Following her gifts, including a very astute mind, Sister Chris has become a lifelong learner — and that has guided the changes in her life. She admits she likes to make plans, but sometimes things change. She earned her bachelors degree, a masters, and a doctorate. She has been an educator, a nurse, and is now an instructor of nursing.
Each congregation of women religious is rooted in a particular charism and may excel in particular areas of ministry. Collaboration is a given, yet often a congregation becomes known to other congregations for their specialty. The Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids are known for Liturgy. In fact, during formation, novices of the Dominican Order from around the world travel to visit and spend time with other Congregations. Each year, novices spend a week at Marywood gathering with Sisters and experiencing the fullness of liturgical prayer and celebration.

Sr. Chris strums a few notes on the guitar in preparation for Liturgy.
Yet one of the passions that led Sr. Chris to the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids was Liturgy and the role of music in prayer. “I was just blown away by how well the Sisters at Marywood do Liturgy,” says this Sister/teacher/nurse/musician.
Read more about Sister Chris and her ministry path in the Spring issue of Mission & Ministry Magazine.