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Support Our Mission & Ministries

Friends, we were never meant to walk our faith journey alone.


Jesus assembled and traveled with a band of disciples. He sent them always to go forward in pairs. He taught in groups at the Temple, along the sea, in homes, and at the base of hills.

Our journey was always meant to be shared—so we can lean on each other, encourage one another, and most importantly, grow in our love and understanding of God together.

With your support we will continue to spur others on toward love and goodness!

Thank you for joining us to become fishers of men and women, casting our net ever wider and ever further.

May the light of God’s great love fill all your days,

Sr. Megan McElroy, OP, Prioress

“… And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, but encouraging one another…” ~ Hebrews 10:24-25

Ways To Give

Donate online or you are welcome to mail your gifts to Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids, 111 Lakeside Drive, NE, 49503-3811

Contact: Alyssa Morillo Scheidt, Director of Mission Advancement  Phone: 616-514-3110

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Sponsorship Opportunities

You are part of an amazing story and with your support, our story continues to unfold. You help make our events successful in so many ways! Consider sponsoring or attending our spring golf outing and annual celebration.

 Foundation News

Grant Recipients Announced