“Clear a space in your mind; Make silence in your heart for God to speak.”
~ Jesus Calling
After almost 100 years of life and 80 years as a Dominican, I have learned to be silent and make space for God to speak. God speaks to me as I visit the chapel but also in many other ways. Nature reflects God’s beauty in a snowfall, changing colors with the seasons, flowers springing up on campus, and with squirrels scampering about. My eyes delight and my heart knows God speaks.
In temperate weather, I ride outdoors able to touch leaves and smell flowers. Touch makes life REAL. I notice details in objects and listen as another shares the object’s story. As for taste, my caregivers know I love muffins any time of the day; and when I hear music, my feet start dancing although I’m in a chair. I often read cards sent by family and friends. All my senses are active!
My faith in God’s goodness guides my life. Trust channels peace into me, and love urges me to share God’s love with others. I am grateful for God’s many gifts. My family, the Congregation, parishes, schools, and neighbors have and continue to help me hear God’s voice in my LIFE.
Visit Sister Verona Wangler’s Sister Page.