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“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.”

~ Isaiah 52:7

I embark on my 60th Jubilee celebration with Great Thanksgiving. It is my family, my Community members, my friends – even students and strangers – who have been “sent” into my life to deepen in me a love of God and the Word of God. Happily, I listened to most of their wisdom and heard God’s call to contribute my unique gifts to the Dominican Family, living the Motto: To Praise, To Bless, and To Preach Jesus Christ.

“The Word is near you, on your lips and in your heart.” ~ Romans 10:5

God has used me as an instrument of Faith through my ministries as a Teacher, a Campus Minister, a Vocation Director, a Retreat director, a Congregational Leader, and a friend.

Spurred on by others’ invitations over the past 8 years, I’ve taken to writing Reflections, Poems, and Blessings for different occasions. I try to capture what’s weighing on my heart and transpiring in the world and then write.

I feel blessed to be living in this challenging time of Environmental consciousness, Justice probing, Reparation-seeking and Global interdependence. I applaud Pope Francis’ Leadership in calling all of us to Spiritual renewal where conversion of heart and lifestyle are essential; where the wonder and awe of God’s Presence in Creation leads us to reverence all life.

“Bless God, my soul, and all that is in me; remember all God’s kindnesses.” ~ Psalm 103:1-2

Sr. Mary Ann mingling with students and alums at Aquinas College.
Celebrating Sr. Mary Ann Barrett’s 60th Jubilee: Sisters Megan McElroy, Mary Kay Oosdyke, Justine Kane, Jarrett DeWyse, Nancy Brousseau, Mary Ann Barrett, Eva Silva, Maureen Geary