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Sr. Margaret Kienstra, O.P. – Jubilarian 2024 ~ 70 Years a Sister

By July 26, 2024No Comments

When I was in the sixth grade, my dad took us to my cousin’s reception into the Good Shepherd Order in St. Louis. I was so impressed by how happy and joyful my cousin was as she greeted her relatives and friends that I felt I wanted to be a Sister.

Later, after high school, I would meet with a group weekly during Lent to read about the saints and talk about vocations and other topics. I read about St. Dominic and St. Thomas Aquinas. I decided I wanted to be a Dominican.

One day I saw an ad, “Come and See” in the Sacred Heart Magazine. I wrote for information. After many prayers, I sent in my application. I am glad I did.

I know that God, my parents who provided me with a good Catholic environment, and many friends helped guide me here.

Sister Margaret enjoys the many activities offered at Aquinata Hall, including bingo!