Sister Marie Michael Jacobs loved golf. She was determined to share her love of this sport with as many people as possible -– and she thought she would do it through an outing to benefit the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids.
In 2006 she began planning the first Dollars FORE Dominicans golf outing; friends gathered to play in the spring of 2007. Since then, this event has grown every year to become a favorite outing of the entire golf season.
On Monday, May 6, at the 12th annual Dollars FORE Dominicans golf outing, we remembered Sister Marie Michael by introducing an award in her name. We wanted to find someone who had a similar generous heart, love for golf, and zest for life – and isn’t afraid to show it! This person has also contributed hundreds of hours over the years to helping make this event the success it is today. The first-ever Sister Marie Michael Jacobs Award was given to a long-standing friend to the Sisters and golf committee member – Jaye Van Lenten!
We missed Sister Marie Michael’s joyful, energetic spirit at the outing this year, but felt her presence blessing the many friends and supporters gathered for this wonderful day that she created. She would have delighted in the fun had by all.