Saints are moving into Aquinas College this weekend!
With hearts of hope, the Dominican Sisters welcome each and every new and returning student with our blessings for a fruitful year.
Each year, professor Justine Kane, OP looks forward to seeing familiar faces: her colleagues and her students. “I’m inspired by their new and renewed enthusiasm for learning and look forward to all the ways they can bring their gifts to the world.
Sister Justine can be found in the education department where she teaches foundations of literacy. “I work with teachers in training to help them understand the processes and approaches used to teach reading and writing. One of my favorite parts of my work is accompanying our students into the field where they work with teachers and young children, actually applying and seeing how these techniques come to life in the classroom.
“This semester I will be spending time with our students as they gain experience at San Juan Diego Academy, a Catholic school serving students of Latinx heritage in Wyoming, Michigan.”
“During this first semester, the Aquinas College School of Education is rolling out the Accelerated Master of Education (AME) program and I’m very grateful to be part of this new path. The AME program supports aspiring teachers who already have a bachelor of arts degree to gain their state teaching certification on an accelerated track. We are very excited to be partnering with the Diocese of Grand Rapids and other schools in the area to bring new teachers into the field.”
Aquinas College is a learning institution founded and grounded in the Dominican pillars of Prayer, Study, Service, Community