Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids are in love with God’s creation and celebrate, steward, and protect it.
Each of our Dominican Sisters, our Dominican Associates, and our employees articulate stewardship is a core value. Through action, study, reflection, and prayer, each one of us has adopted personal eco-justice intentions.
We value making time to study, reflect, and act on issues that are harming Earth today: consumerism, global warming, pollution, and more.
Our Congregation’s Care of Earth Committee helps focus our eco-justice initiatives and develops study and reflection resources available for use by Sisters, Associates, and anybody who has a desire to learn about and steward God’s creation.
A powerful message delivered by the Dominican Eco-Justice Alliance is: “We do not save what we do not love and we do not love what we do not know.”
May you discover your own personal Care of Earth intention this month of April. May you fall in love with the natural beauty of Earth today and every day.