by Written by Jacob Sisneros, Staff Writer for Rio Grandes Sun
Angelina Gonzales, better known as Sister Angie, is no stranger to hard work and service.
She didn’t mind it when she was 10 years old and making adobe blocks in the hot sun of Glorieta, N.M., with her brothers, and she hasn’t minded it during her last 40 years of service at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Santa Cruz.
Gonzales, 83, has been a nun since she was 20, and will leave Holy Cross at the end of July, to return to her Motherhouse in Grand Rapids, Mich.
“She will be missed,” Mona Romero, who has known Gonzales for 32 years, said. “To her, this is home. We are all her family.”
Read article about Sr. Angelina’s life.
Written Jacob Sisneros, Staff Writer for Rio Grandes Sun, Jul 17, 2017