Today, we honor all fathers — birth fathers, foster fathers, godfathers, grandfathers, father figures…
We pray for fathers joyfully, yet anxiously, awaiting the birth of a child. May these fathers be filled with boundless love and courage.
We pray for fathers discouraged by harsh financial circumstances and worries about housing and food. Grant them opportunity to use their skills and labor to provide for their families.
We pray for fathers waiting up for teens and young adults; may the Father of all, bring them patience and wisdom to find the right words.
We pray for peace for fathers who have lost children to violence, illness and accident; may God grant them peace and faith in eternal life.
And we pray to you, Father, for fullness of life for all who seek to love and serve their children. Amen
On this, World Refugee Day coinciding with Father’s Day, we add our prayers to this prayer by Sr. Joan Polak, ND.
Heavenly Father, Father of all and Creator of all, we come to You today asking You to bless all fathers here on earth caring for and loving their children.
We remember also the fathers who fled their homeland for safety and a better life. We trust You will find them refuge and keep them protected as they protect their children. We pray You bring them safely to their new homeland.
Open our hearts to receive them graciously as neighbors and our brothers in Christ.
We pray that all fathers care for their children as You care for them. Remembering Your words, “I am with you always,” we pray for Your watchful presence, guidance, and the gift of wisdom for all fathers that they, one day, be united with You.
Lastly, we ask that our earthly fathers be blessed with faith, wisdom, and enduring love. Amen.