We are a nation of refuge, Not Rejection.
On Saturday, August 3 from 1:00-2:00 pm, Sisters, Associates, and employees gathered on our driveway at 2025 Fulton Street East, Grand Rapids Michigan.
Our Justice actions are an act of preaching with our presence, for an America that offers hope, compassion, and mercy.
On this day, we called for the United States to put an immediate end to inhumane policies that separate families and harm children. We stood in solidarity with Rise for Refuge and We Are ALL America, a collaboration that calls for welcoming Americans everywhere to stand strong against illegal and immoral refugee and asylum bans in the United States.
Through all that we do: ministry, community, study, and prayer — the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids share Christ’s message: redemptive love that reflects God’s desire for a just world.
Together with Rise for Refuge and We Are ALL America, we are calling Members of Congress to do everything in their power to end the administration’s attacks on asylum seekers and return refugee resettlement to historic norms. The administration has already decimated the U.S. asylum system and refugee resettlement program. Zeroing out refugee resettlement would amount to a full refugee ban, with grave long-term implications.
As people who care about refugees – abroad and at our doorstep – we must make our voices heard. Join us in demanding that Congress stop the administration from ending asylum and refugee resettlement! We are demanding that Congress:
- Save the Life-saving Refugee Resettlement Program
- Stop the Asylum Ban and Protect Asylum Seekers
- Keep Families Together and End Child & Family Detention
- Cut Funding that Fuels Deportations, Detention, Border Militarization
- Protect Refugee and Immigrant Families from Prolonged Separation