by Lisa Mitchell, Director, Associate Life
June 12, 1943 – October 1, 2023
Pat Jennings became an Associate in August of 2014. She graduated from Marywood Academy (High School) and stated that much of her spiritual formation has been from the Dominicans which she is very grateful for. She completed Foundations, two years of Spiritual Companioning and the Spiritual Director Practicum with Dominican Center.
She admired the values and goals of the Dominican Sisters and decided to become an Associate to continue to deepen her spiritual life and relationship with God and increase her focus on prayer, study and service.
Pat had many interests including reading, sewing, biking and walking. She was very involved with her parish community at Immaculate Heart of Mary offering her service as

a lector and Eucharistic Minister, Stephen’s Ministry for 11 years, the RCIA team, and member of the IHM School Board to name a few. Other volunteering including companioning residents at St. Ann’s Home, distributing communion to patients at Metro Health and most recently a volunteer with Emmanuel Hospice. She also mentored Prospective Associates and was active in Associate Life.
Pat felt “very loved by God, as God walked with me and guided me my whole life.” Pat had a passion for justice and worked for peace in all situations. She had deep faith, was a lifelong learner, prayerful, compassionate and kind. She lived out well the four pillars of Dominican life and served with joy! Pat shared, “When I feel discouraged, I think of my anchor (Jesus) pulling me in and giving me hope, tolerance and patience.”