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Peace & Justice Neighbor to Neighbor

Our Church calls us to witness and ministry. We turn to our Dominican tradition to find our way in these troubled times. That tradition calls upon us to be present with and for our neighbors during times of trial; to pray during times of loss, of grief; and to call upon each other for a renewal of hope.

We turn to the Gospel which urges us to use our voices to speak for those who have no voice (Proverbs 31:8). During these times, we find we must speak up for those who face fear, danger, death, and suffering due to gun violence, racism, and hatred. We must speak for those who cross borders seeking refuge. We must speak up for children, women, and men when poverty leaves suffering and hopelessness.

From 4:00 – 4:30 pm each Thursday, from Aug. 15 through Sept. 19, we will stand vigil on our front lawn at Marywood to promote messages of peace and neighbor loving neighbor.

Together our voices are mighty.

Standing together as one, our presence is a symbol of hope, of healing, of welcome. The Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids welcome friends to join us as we raise awareness to the goodness of people and community everywhere. Meet us at the end of our driveway at 2025 Fulton Street East each Thursday.

Dear Neighbor, our invitation extends to all:  neighboring congregations, residents, people driving by. Stop and join us.  If you can’t gather with us, consider standing and sharing messages of love from your own property.

Associates, and Friends will be standing at the edge of Marywood campus at 2025 Fulton Street at 4:00pm.
Contact: Brigid Mary Clingman, OP, 616.514.3111

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