Preacher, find your voice. The world desperately needs us to love, in word and deed.

Thus began the homily by Sr. Maureen Geary at Sunday Mass on September 10.

As we open our hearts to the season of creation, we embrace this wisdom:
“It is our profound conviction that the future of the human family depends also on how we safeguard – both prudently and compassionately, with justice and fairness – the gift of creation that our Creator has entrusted to us. Therefore, we acknowledge in repentance the wrongful mistreatment of our planet, which is tantamount to sin before the eyes of God. We reaffirm our responsibility and obligation to foster a sense of humility and moderation so that all may feel the need to respect creation and to safeguard it with care. Together, we pledge our commitment to raising awareness about the stewardship of creation….” (6). Source: Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, issued this Declaration in 2014.

Preacher, find your voice. The world desperately needs us to care, in word and deed.