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Dominican Sisters gathered in the Pear Garden at Marywood on June 1, 2020 to lament the lives lost to COVID.

Brigid Clingman Carletta Bockheim

Sisters Brigid Clingman and Carletta Bockheim lament lives lost to COVID, tolling the bells for all.

Lament is passionate expression of grief or sorrow. How often in the months of Spring 2020, into Winter 2021 and beyond did you find yourself in a deep state of lament? Our lamentations at Marywood took form in community on June 1, 202. Dominican Sisters and essential employees working on our campus gathered at a safe distance to mourn lives lost.

Sister Carletta Bockheim OP tolled the bell in the Pear Garden 10 times, once for each 10,000 persons who have died from COVID. The number continues to increase.

Sister Brigid Clingman OP read a from a statement shared in cities around the United States. “Together, interfaith leaders and mayors across the nation… call us to mourn, lament, and honor the dead, acknowledge the unequal nature of our suffering, pray together for the healing of the nation and recommit to the difficult work ahead… as we call upon mayors leading the COVID response effort and continue to model critical local leadership amid this difficult time.”

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