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People often think of giving something up for Lent, a favorite treat or activity. The Dominican Sisters encourage sharing of gifts during Lent. During this past Lenten season, Sr. Lupita “Lupe” Silva went to work on a special project: sewing 41 dresses for impoverished children.

A visit to the DCM Reception desk for copies of the pillow case dress pattern piqued the interest of Kit Fessenden. “Could I join you and sew some dresses, too?” she asked Sr. Lupe. Kit’s first dress was made from a pillow case her son refused to take to college. “He didn’t like the print and lace,” laughs Kit. You can see the dress hanging over her left shoulder in the picture below.

The fun was just getting started when Sr. Angelina Abeyta asked about detailing the dresses with pockets, buttons, lace and other trimmings. Helping the dresses along on their journey to girls in need is Sr. Roseline Elemowu. She will take the dresses home to Nigeria during her July visit to her Congregation’s Motherhouse before returning to study at Aquinas in August.

Pictured left to right: Kit Fessenden, Sr. Lupe Silva, Sr. Angelina Abeyta and Sr. Roseline Elemowu.

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