Sister Nancy Malburg, OP
2022 – 64 Years a Sister
Prayer Ministry
Pray for those who suffer from economic injustice.
Pray for those who suffer from economic injustice.
“Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard…what God has prepared for those who love him.”
~ 1 Corinthians 2:9
Oldest of seven children, I grew up on a small farm east of Hart, MI. In preparation for First Communion, Sisters came from St. Joseph, Weare over to St. Gregory, Hart to teach on Saturday mornings. I liked the Sisters and soon began to think I’d like to become a Sister. As I grew and explored vocational choices, the attraction of my First Communion experience never really left me.
Still, it wasn’t easy to leave all the other options open at age 18, to enter the convent. Did I say, ‘leave options?’ Dominican life has been full of more exciting options than I could have dreamed!
I truly enjoyed each new experience: As Dominican Sister, teacher, principal, Personnel Director, Diocesan schools staff member, and Facility Manager at Marywood. And God continued to surprise me. New grace led me to parish management and pastoral Associate roles and 5 years in Bridger, Montana as Parish Coordinator.
In 2012 it was time for an emotional farewell to Montana and a trip home to Michigan. After a long drive of 1,270 miles eastward, I reached the Lake Express dock in Milwaukee. I was going HOME!
God has blessed all of my years; I thank my Dominican Community, my family, and all who continue to show me the hand of God in my present years.