“To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to experience each moment as completely new and fresh.”

~ Pema Chodron

Reflecting on 50 years as a Dominican, I realize it is an opportunity in prayer, gratitude, and celebration to look back at the people and experiences that have formed me on this life journey. I thank God for those who have brought me to this day: my parents, family and friends, Dominican Sisters, Associates, and other mentors who have influenced and helped me along this way. This life journey has not been simply a journey through a string of days and years. Rather it is surrounded and intertwined by mystery and growth. It is one of risk and excitement. The path has not been easy, smooth, short, or detour-free. I thank God for the many people who have walked in and out of my life and have left footprints on my heart. I reaffirm my faith in the basic goodness of people, and I sense God’s loving hand in both turmoil and tranquility. I firmly believe God wants only the best for all of us. I am aware all has been gift and that God’s love enfolds me.

Meister Eckhart says it so simply, “Whatever God does, the first outburst is always compassion.” I am invited and challenged daily to continue to do the same unsure of what is around the bend. This journey continues to be one of risk and excitement.