“I thank you, Yahweh, with all my heart, for your love and faithfulness.”

~ Psalm 138

Darlene Ann Sikorski was born February 20, 1940, the youngest of seven children to Peter and Antoinette Sikorski of Saginaw, Michigan. Darlene attended St. Rita Grade School, Marywood Academy as an aspirant, and entered the community as a postulant in 1958. Over the years, ministry has been culturally and geographically diverse. Well prepared and effective as a classroom teacher, she learned skills transferable to multiple areas. From Michigan to the Mountains of New Mexico, from Inner-city Detroit to the Bayou of Louisiana, Darlene responded to need with a willingness to serve.

Since entering the congregation in 1958, there have been numerous opportunities for growth and challenging changes. I am the Dominican woman I am today because of these experiences and the wise and holy Dominican women who have mentored and supported me along the way.

I pay special tribute to my parents. Within the setting of family life with all its problems, they taught me the meaning of service and sacrifice for others. They did so by example, tireless dedication, and hard work. I am confident they rejoice with me in this Jubilee celebration.