Sister Chris Wood, OP
2022 – 52 Years a Sister
Prayer Ministry
Pray that healthcare becomes a USA reality.
Pray that healthcare becomes a USA reality.
“For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord.”
~ Jeremiah 29:11a
This passage from Jeremiah speaks to my religious life journey begun in 1969 with the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary in California. Over the next 25 years, this journey included a variety of ministries and transitions typical of my peers: elementary education, infirmary nurse aide, hospital/infirmary nursing, and nursing researcher/consultant/faculty.
Celebrating my Silver Jubilee in 1997, I commented to my classmate, Sally Slyngstad, “I guess this is it until our 50th!” Never was I more wrong! In early 1998, Sr. Lisa Marie Lazio brought me to Grand Rapids as a consultant for how to meet the retirement healthcare needs of sisters at Marywood moving into the future. One consultation turned into several over the next few years and awakened in me an awareness of a call to transfer, which occurred in 2002. Looking back on my 33 years as a Holy Names Sister and 18 as a Dominican Sister, I am grateful that God has gifted me with the opportunity to integrate the charisms of these two congregations as I have lived out my call to religious life.