The O Antiphons are short, Scripture-based Advent prayers from the Middle Ages that are part of the prayer of the Church in the Liturgy of the Hours.
Each year, the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids invite our worship family and friends into our chapel for a beautiful seven-night experience of prayer, song, music, and preaching. This year O Antiphons services will be broadcast by Zoom from Dominican Chapel at Marywood Dec. 17-23 at 7:00 pm.
O Wisdom | Thursday, Dec. 17 | Preacher Ann Walters OP
O Adonai | Friday, Dec. 18 | Preacher Diane Zerfas OP
O Root of Jesse|Saturday, Dec. 19|Preacher Joyce Ann Hertzig OP
O Key of David | Sunday, Dec 20 | Preacher Brigid Clingman OP
O Radiant Dawn | Monday, Dec 21 | Preacher Megan McElroy OP
O Ruler of Nations | Tuesday, Dec 22 | Preacher Sandra Delgado OP
O Emmanuel | Wednesday, Dec 23 | Preacher Gretchen Sills OP
To add O Antiphons to your calendar… Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Daily: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZMscOCrpzovG9Ktf_JOeE_bv7PAxxNTmL7J/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGvrzwjGd2UtRiBRpwEBY_CXenxmH5Yjfp2iBnaKQ9WRzz0ILVyE6pnPuzd
To join Zoom Prayer Service each night
O Antiphons – December 2020
Meeting ID: 871 7939 1516
Passcode: 374256