by Cynthia Trenshaw, Dominican Associate
Anyone in our culture who we don’t want to see or want to be, these are the marginalized. – Cynthia Trenshaw
I’d like to share with you my 11-minute performance piece: Meeting on the Margins, around my ministry with people who are living on the margins. It can be found on the home page of my website: cynthiatrenshaw.com.
It is followed by a longer video of the Q&A session if you wish to watch that also. This performance was first given at the Whidbey Island Center for the Arts for the sixth annual invitational “Women of Whidbey Festival” in March, 2017. The video on my website is a repeat performance, given two weeks later, at Healing Circles Langley.
The week of July 17, I received and accepted! an invitation from Seattle University to present this performance and to read from my book, Meeting in the Margins: An Invitation to Encounter Society’s Invisible People, at their tenth annual “Search for Meaning Festival” that draws some 2000 international attendees. That will be in February of 2018.