by A Note from Maureen Geary, OP, Prioress
The Psalmist tells us: The Earth and everything in it is the Lord’s (Psalm 24). We Dominican Sisters pledge to encounter our created world, observing the goodness of creation, treasuring everything as the Lord’s. Won’t you join us in shared regard for God’s blessed Earth?
Our current location on Fulton Street, site of our Motherhouse since 1922, originally marked the outskirts of the City of Grand Rapids. We strive to be the best stewards of this beautiful 34-acre campus.
Today our discipleship as women who cherish the sacredness of all creation leads us to study, observation, and action: breaking ground in 2006 on Marywood Health Center and construction to LEED standards; use of prairies and other on-campus environments for the flourishing of native plants and grasses; our efforts and goal to eliminate use of all pesticides at Marywood.
At Dominican Center at Marywood, we study and seek to comprehend the magnificent breadth and depth of God’s creation. We embrace the principals of Catholic Social Teaching, including the seventh: Care for God’s creation.
We invite you to read more about Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids Living in a Sustainable Way in our Fall 2013 issue of Mission & Ministry Magazine.