by Maureen Geary OP
The walk is done, But you can still donate to Team Carla and the Michigan Parkinson’s Foundation!
Every year the Michigan Parkinson’s Foundation holds several fund-raising projects. For the Lansing area it is a walk, and this year’s walk is from 9:00 am – Noon on Saturday, September 30 on the campus of MSU.
At this event someone from the local community is recognized – and this year’s honoree is Sister Marie Carla Moeggenborg OP!
Team Carla has been created and Sr. Marie Carla would love to have you join to walk this event. Our Congregation has donated $500 in support of the team. Up to 25 walkers can register to walk under our sponsorship. Here is a link to register to walk. The Code to use at registration is Katheryn25. https://secure.qgiv.com/event/2023lansingparkinsonswalk/register/form/registration
Additional financial donations are greatly appreciated if you so desire. Please make sure “Carla” is selected in the donation recipient field. Use this link to make an online donation. https://secure.qgiv.com/event/2023lansingparkinsonswalk/account/1574369/donate/
On behalf of Parkinson’s patients and their caregivers, thank you.