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Be praised, my Lord,
for Sister Earth, our Mother,
who nourishes us and sustains us,
bringing forth fruits and vegetables
of many kinds and flowers of many colours. ~ Canticle of the Sun, St. Francis of Assisi

Caring for our common home is the theme of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment. And every April, Aquinas College and the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids come together to steward Earth and our common homes in Grand Rapids.

In celebration of Earth Day and the Dominican pillars of community and service, the Aquinas College Infrastructure Sustainability Committee sponsors “We All Live Here Service Day.” On Friday, April 20, 2018, crews from the Aquinas College community: students, staff, faculty, and alumni arrived ready to work at Marywood and Aquinas to steward our beautiful campuses and take care of our Earth.

Thank you to Jessica Eimer Bowen, director of sustainability for the Center for Sustainability at Aquinas College, for coordinating this event. Enjoy the Photo Gallery below.

May we each be inspired by those who teach us to love and care for our Earth and all its creatures. And may we inspire others with our own caring actions.

Learn About & Help Care for the Prairie Habitat at Marywood

“I welcome your assistance in sustaining the Prairie Habitat at Marywood. This habitat benefits many native pollinator species, birds and other small mammals.Volunteer this Spring or arrange a time to learn about or care for the Prairie Habitat at Marywood by contacting Sister Lucille Janowiak, or 616-558-4915.

We do not save what we do not love and we do not love what we do not know.
