Sister Mary Ann Ferguson OP entered eternal life on May 6, 2023 at the age of 86 after 69 years of religious life.
We commend Sister Mary Ann to your prayers.

Evening Prayer with Remembering Service
Tuesday, May 9 at 7:00 pm
Chapel of the Word/Marywood
Funeral Mass
Wednesday, May 10 at 10:00 am
Chapel of the Word/Marywood
In 2004, at the time of her Golden Jubilee she wrote: “Time flies when you are having fun. Even though these past years have had their share of fun, more importantly, they have been filled with wonder, prayer, family, friends, ministry, and the opportunity to be in relationship with so many remarkable women. I am grateful for all that has been and for all that is yet to be. God truly has done marvelous deeds. ‘Break into song, sing praise.’”
Choirs of angels have welcomed their newest member with joy. We who knew and loved her are grateful for all the years of good music, laughter and the presence of a warm and friendly Sister, teacher, and friend.