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Sister Josine Schafer OP entered eternal life on July 31, 2023 at the age of 91 after 71 years of religious life. 

We commend Sister Josine to your prayers.

Evening Prayer with Remembering Service
Tuesday, August 1, 7:00 pm
Chapel of the Word/Marywood

Funeral Mass
Wednesday, August 2, 10:00 am
Chapel of the Word/Marywood

Quiet and unassuming, Sister Josine was an efficient and well-loved primary teacher. “I have enjoyed my teaching of the little ones. Working with the slow learner is as much of a challenge as working with the genius.” She was an excellent teacher, with unlimited patience. She liked to try new things. When her young students were responsible for planning the school liturgy, she taught them to recite the first reading from memory. The class left their seats, walked to the front of the church, stood on the steps, and recited their piece, returning to their seats quietly. Years later, those same students recalled the event with pride. Numerous letters and notes by former students tell of the wonderful difference she made in young lives. “You made me feel capable and confident…you built up my self-esteem.”

Sister Josine, reserved in manner, was loving and kind, with a lilting smile and a “shy” sense of humor. Soft-spoken, she claimed her biggest “cross” was her timidity in speech. She said she would rather sit and listen than express herself. Nevertheless, she grew in confidence over the years, and her close friends claim she was talkative in a one-to-one situation. She was known for her sense of responsibility, quiet sense of humor and a contagious laugh.


“Might it be that I could come to experience the object of every hunger, the source of all being?

Sr. Josine Schafer