“Dear brothers and sisters, every moment of our lives is a time for believing, hoping and loving. The call to experience Lent as a journey of conversion, prayer and sharing of our goods, helps us – as communities and as individuals – to revive the faith that comes from the living Christ, the hope inspired by the breath of the Holy Spirit and the love flowing from the merciful heart of the Father.”
~ Pope Francis

Focusing on Food Insecurity and Hunger in West Michigan
Catholic Sisters Week honors vowed women who care for the sick and in need; who educate and mentor children; who are concerned for the environment and all of creation; who advocate for the most vulnerable and act against injustices; who stand with those affected by poverty, homelessness, and migration; and who create peace. For all the ministries, for all the women throughout history, who have served, we are grateful.
In celebration of Catholic Sisters Week, the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids will coordinate a food drive to support St. Alphonsus Food Pantry and St. Joseph the Worker Church. We invite you to join us in collecting food for St. Alphonsus Food Pantry and St. Joseph the Worker Church, in collaboration with Aquinas College and Catholic Sisters Week.
Both these parishes need more assistance now because of COVID 19 and the unemployment people are experiencing. They are grateful for our assistance. Sisters, Associates, the Sunday worshipping community, and four Catholic parishes will be invited to participate.
Donate non-perishable food items or personal care items.
A truck will be available for items to be dropped off at the following times/ locations:
• March 8 – 11 from 3:00 – 7:00 pm at Aquinata Hall East Parking Lot (off Lakeside Drive)
• March 12 from Noon – 7:00 pm at Aquinas College Sturrus Sports & Fitness Center (off Fulton Street)
Make a monetary donation. Donations can be sent to: Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids 2025 Fulton East, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Volunteer your time. Volunteers are needed to take shifts managing donations brought to the truck.
For questions or to volunteer contact:
- DSGR: Lisa Mitchell at 616-826-4725 or lmitchell@grdominicans.org
- Aquinas College: Brianna Haarer at bah004@aquinas.edu
Suggested items include:
• dry milk
• canned soups
• canned fruits/ vegetables
• stuffing mix
• boxed/canned food products
• pasta/pasta sauces
• unsweetened cereals
• peanut butter
• canned protein (ex. tuna fish)
• soap/shampoo
• toothbrush/ toothpaste
• toilet paper
• feminine care products
• laundry detergent
• razors
Please bag personal care items separately.
#catholicsistersweek #changingtheworld #celebratingtraditions #CSW #CWR #CSW2021