by Mary Ann Barrett OP
Following Jesus Through Lent
Intent on Praying, Fasting and giving Alms.
We are Disciples – listeners and learners,
perfected by multiple and varied struggles.
We are Apostles – messengers commissioned
to “preach” God’s Reign through their lives.
We are Evangelists – witnesses focused on the Word,
living among God’s holy people.
So, we act “in secret,” not looking for rewards.
We avoid places of honor and serve on the outskirts.
Intent on seeing and being a Blessing.
As apostles, we are called
To be ready for a lifetime of Collaboration, Crises and Joy,
To be schooled in Dialogue and Second Chances,
To be prepared for Hardships and Pardons,
To be alert for Temptations and Openings,
To be attentive to God’s Miracles throughout the Universe.
Intent on Seeing God in our midst.
As followers, we are called
To be awed by Ashes and Crosses,
To be awed by God standing in front of us,
To be awed by Blessings and Outpourings of Grace.
To Drink from the well of Stillness,
To Drink from the well of Truth,
To Drink from the well of Mercy.
To Fast from Fear, Feast on Trust,
To Fast from Gossip, Feast on purposeful Silence,
To Fast from consumerism, Feast on conservation.
Intent on piercing the shadows.
As disciples, we are called
To See with God’s eyes,
To Look into the heart for love,
To Infuse the darkness with holy light,
To Wash in the waters for InSight,
To Come to the water for Anointing.
Intent on shedding the ravages of death.
As evangelizers, we are called
To Encounter the Spirit of God within and around us,
To Weep together over the sorrows of life,
To Open the graves of complacency and complicity,
To Rise up against deadly attitudes and toxic practices,
To Free up the courage to live out our beliefs.
Intent on Professing our Love.
As followers, we are called
To Walk the Way of the Cross,
To Passionately choose Life,
To Embrace life as transformed Sinners,
To Risk being Wounded healers,
To Create community as women and men,
younger and older,
ethnically diverse,
inclusive of race, tribe, nation.
Praise God who calls all of us – “Beloved.”