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Out of the Believer’s Heart Shall Flow Rivers of Living Water

Called together by song, to gather in prayer and procession to the creek that flows through our home at Marywood in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Wednesday, July 31, Sisters, Associates, Sunday Assembly, and friends of our Congregation gathered to welcome all to the table of life and celebration that is our annual Dominican Days.

Raising our voices, our eyes, and hands, we blessed God’s gift of living water that gives us life.

Each movement, tiny or terrific, ripples outward into the world. Each stone dropped into the water reminds each of us how our gifts flow out around us.

Our Founder Dominic de Guzman knew the power of holy preaching, of companionship, and holy prayer. We gather in his spirit during these Dominican Days.

Shall We Gather at the River: Prayer and Procession to Coldbrook Creek at Marywood

Making a Joyful Noise

River of Glory, springs of our    
Part of God's riches poured on the Earth. We are born from the darkness and born in the light...
We are bathed in the glory of God.

Sing Along
River of Glory, Schutte from Journey of Songs #548