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According to the Michigan Environmental Action Council, Michigan’s drinking water problems are mounting in number and complexity: There are 1.5 million people in Michigan who have been drinking water contaminated with PFAS. There are children who cannot drink from their school water fountains because of high levels of lead. These threats are real. But there are some real solutions our lawmakers could enact now.

There are currently two proposals before the Michigan state legislature that, if passed, will provide vital funding towards some of the most pressing threats to Michigan’s drinking water safety. If adopted by the legislature, the proposals would go into effect immediately and put $180 million in a one-time investment towards improving drinking water. (Read funding details)

The Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids has joined with Michigan congregations of Catholic Sisters to urge Michigan legislators to support pending legislation. Michigan Catholic Sisters Statement of Support

The Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids are also among the organizations that have signed a letter of support for new Funding for Drinking Water Protection.

What Action Can You Take Now?

Everyone has a fundamental right to clean water and a healthy environment. If you support water protections in our state, please consider signing this letter of support.

Support Funding for Drinking Water Protections. Click here to Add your name to the Personal Letter of Support 


Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids Justice Ministries

As we contemplate our presence in the world, we pledge to hold the needs and concerns of all in a contemplative space, in the heart of a loving and ever faithful God. Holding to our Congregation Constitution and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, we stand in solidarity with all peoples, recognizing the bond of interdependence among us. Our Ministry Direction Statements, and our Stances and Commitments guide our congregation in taking justice action, setting priorities, and making investment decisions that have far-reaching effects. More about our Directions in Ministry