by Joyce Ann Hertzig, OP
In late 2018, the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids reorganized the committee working on diversity, inclusion, and racial equity across the Marywood campus in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Renamed the Inclusion Team, this group of staff and Sisters is re-examining goals and outlining strategies to further the work of dismantling racism and building a truly inclusive campus.
Meeting monthly, the campus Inclusion Team is currently developing its purpose statement and key objectives. Members include: Sister Mary Brigid Clingman (Justice Promoter), Margarita Solis-Deal (Director of Dominican Center), Mary Hey (Human Resources Manager), Alyssa Morillo Scheidt (Director of Mission Advancement), Mary Howell (Marywood Residential Life Director), Sister Joyce Ann Hertzig (Sister Champion), Lisa Mitchell (Director of Associate Life, former PRFC executive director), and Barbara Knight (Adminstrative Assistant, Human Resources and Facilities).
Sisters, Employees, Associates, and Friends, you are all an important part of this work and we welcome your ideas as we continue to live out the congregation’s Direction Statements and, specifically, our Corporate Stance Against Racism.
“We believe that the normative, common element in the human family is our humanity. We affirm that all with whom we come in contact are entitled to the basic rights that come with our common humanity, and be entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. We pledge to see first the common ground of our humanity, and to allow our differences only to enrich, and not to disparage us. In all of our undertakings, we will notice first and foremost the human person before us.” (Corporate Stance Against Racism 1999)
Here is background about our transition from ICARE to the Inclusion Committee.
In 1999 the Grand Rapids Dominican Sisters published a corporate stance statement for the dignity of all persons and against racism, its attitudes and practices. Workshops and presentations were made available for sisters to gain understanding of related issues. Since then, employees were included through staff presentations and invitations to prayer services honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe and the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Grand Rapids initiative, “Partners for a Racism-Free Community” (PRFC) was launched. Several of our Sisters, particularly Sister Marjorie Vangsness, were involved in the preliminary discussions of this initiative. PRFC describes “equity, not equality, as the solution to any structural inequity that has resulted in generational oppression.” While initially developed for businesses and corporations, the Dominican Sisters’ Leadership Team in 2014 embarked on a project with PRFC to involve our campus in a process to analyze and dismantle structural racism and to build racial equity.
From ICARE to Inclusion
That same year, our ICARE Committee (Institutional Challenge to Achieve Racial Equity) was formed. Initial members were Barb Jourdan (Human Resources), Tim Pirochta (Director of Campus Services), Sister Mary Brigid Clingman (Justice Promoter), and Sister Barbara Hansen (Sister Champion). A plan was developed along with objectives in the following areas: policies, practices and processes, external collaborations and relationships, contractor and vendor suppliers, client/customer marketplace practices, and leadership engagement.
Handbook policies, hiring practices, and expanding our vendor and client base were actions enhanced through ICARE efforts. Activities and processes continue to be documented. However, due to changes at PRFC, the certification application has not been completed. Committee members expressed value in continued conversations and actions and thought a name-change might better describe the purpose of the committee. Adding members would make the effort more inclusive and sustainable. Racial equity is an enduring goal; thus, the name, Inclusion Team, has now been adopted.
The Work Ahead
Meeting monthly, the campus Inclusion Team is currently developing its purpose statement and key objectives.
Members include: Sister Mary Brigid Clingman (Justice Promoter), Margarita Solis-Deal (Director of Dominican Center), Mary Hey (Human Resources Manager), Alyssa Morillo Scheidt (Director of Mission Advancement), Mary Howell (Marywood Residential Life Director), Sister Joyce Ann Hertzig (Sister Champion), Lisa Mitchell (Director of Associate Life, former PRFC executive director), and Barbara Knight (Facilities Assistant).
Look for updates in future blog posts and in other communications. In addition, team members will share relevant stories that exemplify our work to build a more inclusive community.
We welcome ideas as we continue to live out the congregation’s Direction Statements and, specifically, our Corporate Stance Against Racism.