Emboldened by Faith, Serving With Joy
Dominican Sisters respond to a call to live our commitment made in baptism: to grow in the love of God. Through ministry, community, study, and prayer we share Christ’s message — redemptive love that reflects God’s desire for a just world. Our hope is to continue opening ourselves to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit — and to be a flame of truth, love, hope, and mercy.
In the Dominican way, by being and living the Word of God, we invite others together to build a culture of truth, love, hope, compassion, and peace.
Transform us, O God, through our common vision that our ordinary lives be lived extraordinarily well, that our promises to You, the Congregation and the people of God be faithfully and joyously kept. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen
Each Sister Has a Story Uniquely Her Own
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View Sister Obituaries

The Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids honor the commitment of our members when a Sister reaches a jubilee in her religious life. Jubilees are celebrated at 25, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, and 85 years a Sister. We also honor the Jubilee years of Sisters who have entered Heaven. We honor each woman and find ways to celebrate her unique contributions to the world and our Congregation during her Jubilee year.
Our Sisters
Each Sister brings her unique God-given gifts and talents to her ministry. Every Sister has a story to tell, and the common threads of our stories are enhanced by one another. The unfolding of the mystery of God’s presence in our lives is awesome. We are grateful for these holy women and we continue to be enriched by their lives. Each is emboldened by faith and serving with joy. Each builds upon the legacy of 800 years of Dominican faith and faithfulness.
For Sisters who have passed, we honor and celebrate their legacies.
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