Early in 1925, nine decades ago, in a time long before email and overnight mail delivery, a German priest in New Mexico “heard about” our Congregation, visited Mother Benedicta and her Council, and invited them to consider service in the mission fields of New Mexico. That April Mother visited New Mexico, in May she announced her decision to the Sisters, and in July four Sisters began their journey to New Mexico to take up ministry there as teachers.
It is doubtful they anticipated the washed-out bridges and impassable roads that awaited them upon arrival. But as our Sisters continue to do today, they cheerfully accepted their mission and set out. A new adventure had begun; we were once again beckoned to “mission territory” that was as unknown in its time as the wilds of Traverse City were to our German immigrant Sisters.
The mission fields of New Mexico have enriched our Congregation in spirit, members, faith and finances more than we ever could have imagined. We encountered the holy in New Mexico and we will never be the same. Our collective experiences and transformation also affected those in Michigan and other parts of the world through a revitalized ministry now shaped by the missionary encounters in New Mexico.
We each serve in a ministry of presence to everyone we encounter. These blessed encounters widen our tent. We are grateful for the call to New Mexico and the warmth and spirituality of the Land of Enchantment,