May 25, 2022 — GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan
Our hearts are broken – again.
We are enraged at the needless loss of life – again.
We cry out – AGAIN!
How long, O Lord?! How long?!
How long will children have to train for an active shooter in their schools?
How long must children and teachers die at the hands of a gunman?!
How many more times must parents anxiously wait
to see if their child survived another school shooting?!
How many more times must parents buckle to their knees
at the news their child did not survive?!
How long will moments of silence not be enough of a response?!
How long must we wait for our elected leaders to do something – anything –
that will end this nightmare that has become reality far too often?!
How long will they willingly choose to hold on to the status quo
instead of acting to ban assault weapons?
How long will the gun lobby hold our nation hostage to real change?
Will the Robb Elementary School shooting in Texas finally be the last straw?
Will we, the people, finally demand change
and not stop crying out until it happens?
You, Lord, are the Source of All Life.
Your heart breaks as ours does
for these children are your children too.
Help us to hold fast to your Spirit
that cries out within us for justice.
Help us to work for an end to gun violence.
Help us to be the change you desire for our nation.