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The North American Dominican Promoters of Justice gather regularly to reflect on our commitment to promote the call of Gospel justice and the study of and advocacy for human rights and climate justice.

As Dominicans, speaking truth to power is our responsibility and our privilege. Finding truth is not a simple process, nor can we ignore its complexity. Dominicans have been leaders in history in bringing greater understanding to the systems that shape our lives. In the 16th century, Dominican missionaries, in their accompaniment of native peoples, shared experiences with the Dominicans at the University at Salamanca, Spain. Bringing the light of faith to those experiences, Dominicans reflected, wrote, and called for justice for the native people oppressed by the system
of colonialism.

This document reflects our priorities and the long-lived process undertaken to uncover truths and advocate for justice. Together, we urge all members of the Order of Preachers and their associates to embrace a deepening of the Dominican charism to search for and preach TRUTH as it impacts the lives of people and planet.

Our Process

Dominicans continue to be committed to the process of accompaniment, study, and action. The process demands dialogue and courage as we:

1. Listen to those who are oppressed, economically poor, and living on the margins.

2. Seek to understand the interconnected realities that are the roots of injustice and conflict.

3. Work with others to challenge and change the systems that perpetuate the harm that is being done.

2017-2019 Call to Justice   Dominican Call to Justice Guide 2017-2019

The Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids collaborate with the North American Dominican Justice Promoters which represents Sisters and Brothers in Dominican Congregations. Learn about our priorities. 

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