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December is Dominican Month of Peace – a time when the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids act in solidarity with our Dominican brothers and sisters worldwide.

This is the season of Advent, when we are all waiting for the celebration of the mystery of the incarnation of the Prince of Peace. The idea of this Dominican Month for Peace was conceived to promote a global Dominican solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are trying to bring hope in situations of violence and war.

This month, we pray, study, and give to support ministries in India that are actively responding to human rights violations against children, women, and indigenous peoples. In India, Dominican Sisters, Nuns, Friars, and Laity are located in every region  indicated on the map.

Please join us in prayerful support and learning about two of their ministries: Project Bloom and Safe Childhood.

Project Bloom strives to rescue children and female youth from exploitative, abusive, and other disadvantaged situations. The program provides safe, protective shelter and rehabilitation services, street outreach, formation of children’s groups, counselling, life skill education, education support and sponsorship, shelter, and helps organize child rights awareness and advocacy programs. There are about 3000 sisters serving the people, each according to her own gifts and talents.

Safe Childhood works to break the silence and prevent incidence of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE). Activities include: formation of children’s groups; training and safety lessons; preventive information to increase understanding and reporting by children; community sensitization; and strengthening family response to sexual exploitation.

Driven by extreme poverty, we were picking recyclable waste materials from the street corners and dumping yards and had to drop out of school. As per our traditions and customs, the girls do not pursue higher classes and are given in marriage very early. The social workers from ICID (Indian Centre for Integrated Development) motivated us and counseled our parents and promised to support our educational expenses. Now we are regular to the school and are very happy.

India Province History, Congregations of Religious and Laity Presence

Among the congregations of Sisters and Friars in India is the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, an international community responding creatively to human needs today. In 1971 the seed of the Charism of Blessed Marie Poussepin was sown in the Indian Soil. It took root and branched out to 8 states through Education, health ministry, pastoral care and social services. Learn more about the other communities of religious.