It is with great joy that the Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids share with you the very good news that our Sr. Barbara Reid has been elected as the next president of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, effective January 1, 2021. This is the first time a woman will lead the school of ministry and theology.
CTU, one of the country’s foremost graduate schools of theology and ministry. From our own experience, we know the solid gifts of leadership that Barbara possesses and will use to fulfill her new role. She accepts this mantle in a challenging time. Her conviction in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and her desire to form ministers to shape a world of justice, love, and peace will serve her well.
We support her with our love and prayers, trusting that the gifts of the Spirit and the grace of the office of president will flow upon her during her years of leadership as president.
Widely respected for her Biblical Scholarship and in particular her work in feminist biblical interpretation, Sr. Barbara is a prophetic voice for how the Bible promotes equal dignity and value for women and men.
From CTU
Sr. Barbara Reid, OP, has been elected the eighth president of CTU, succeeding the Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV. The CTU Board of Trustees announced the decision in a news release on November 12, 2020.
We are truly grateful to Fr. Francis for his seven years of exemplary leadership, and we anticipate a robust future under the leadership of President-elect Reid. She brings to the role a rich history as a scholar, educator and administrator.
CTU’s administration, faculty, staff, and students look forward to welcoming Sr. Barbara as our next president. Please keep CTU in your prayers as we move forward with this important
In accepting the presidency of CTU, Sister Barbara said, “I have a deep love of CTU and a passionate desire to see it continue to thrive. It is an understatement to say that we are facing changes in our world and church of a kind and magnitude that is unprecedented. But with the expertise of CTU’s Board of Trustees, the commitment of the Corporation, along with our extraordinary faculty, dedicated and skilled staff and formation directors, amazing students, and myriad friends and supporters, we are well equipped to determine together how to live our mission faithfully in these new circumstances.”