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Touched by the Holy One, we journey in solidarity with the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids and with one another. Connecting and collaborating in Christian mission and spirituality, we embrace the Dominican charism ministering in joyful faith and compassionate love.

On the eve of August 3, 2018, in Dominican Chapel/Marywood, we prayerfully welcome our 2018 Dominican Associates.

We gratefully honor the Dominican Sister and Associate mentors who guided them on their journey of discernment through the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community, and service.

And we extend our special thanks to Associates Fran Georgeff, Teri Sierzant, and Lisa Mitchell, Director of Dominican Associate Life, for sharing their time, talent, and other gifts with the Dominican Sisters~Grand Rapids and with us all.

2018 Dominican Associates & Mentors

Katherine Fenner  (Rosemary O’Donnell, OP and Yvonne Parrish, Dominican Associate)

Elizabeth Meyette (Mary Ellen McDonald, OP and Gaylia Ross, Dominican Associate)

Lisa Miles (Kateri Schrems, OP and Liz Klas, Dominican Associate)

Cindie Nguyen (Doris Faber, OP and Carole Nugent, Dominican Associate)

Phyllis Petersen (Ann Walters, OP and Karen Malmsten, Dominican Associate)

Genevieve Villanueva (Mary Catherine Fodrocy, OP and Linda Gridley, Dominican Associate)

Rex Waltman (Elaine LaBell, OP, Bernice Garcia, OP, and John Yowaish, Dominican Associate)

Andrea Wirgau (Mary Lucille Janowiak, OP, and Pat Hawkins, Dominican Associate)

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