We Celebrate Our Jubilarians!
We gathered Saturday evening Aug. 6 to share in the celebration of Jubilee; to give thanks for the lives of those who have served among us for 50, 60, 70, and 75 years. We also celebrated the life of an Associate who has served among us for 25 years.
Let us give praise for the Word of God that continues to form us into the living tradition of Dominic.
Our Prayer: Creating God, Source of life and truth,
You have enriched us with the many gifts of Dominic, Catherine, and all the saints of the Order of Preachers. You have enriched us through the many gifts of these faithful ones with whom we celebrate jubilee. May we live together praising your holy name, and work together, seeking Truth so that all creation may thrive and peace prevail. This we ask in the name of Jesus united with all holy women and men of all times and places, now and forever. Amen.
Enjoy photos and a video of our celebration: